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Freight from the USA

Instructions with AMID | 3 types of instructors

Shipping instructions in LCL freight

Regardless of the international cargo transportation company that supports your international shipping from the USA, shipping instructions in LCL freight should include at least this essential information:

  1. Ocean freight carrier's booking number - the key number in your international shipping,
  2. Internal document reference number, which is specific to the company that serves you in international shipping,
  3. Cargo delivery address and the telephone number OR, if there is a pickup, the pickup reference number and the trucker's contact information,
  4. Place of cargo receipt, a port of departure, a port of discharge, and the place of delivery, 
  5. Sailing details, including:
    - ETD - an estimated day when cargo should depart from the USA,
    - ETA - an estimated day when cargo should arrive at the place of delivery,
    - Cargo Cutoff - the latest cargo delivery day so that the shipping goods would depart from the U.S. as scheduled,
    - Vessel's name and the Voyage number.

Please note that the format of instructions for shipping cargo from the USA abroad varies depending on the cargo transportation mode and the transportation company that serves your international shipping needs. This website discusses international cargo transportation from the U.S. with global cargo transportation companies, such as U.S. Freight Forwarders, NVOCC, and VOCC, primarily shipping from the U.S. freight LCL. If you're moving overseas with an international moving company, then cargo transportation procedures may differ.

Suppose you are an inexperienced first-time international shipper considering shipping household goods or personal belongings from the USA using LCL freight. In that case, we highly recommend you read this article about sending household goods from the U.S. with LCL instead of hiring an international moving company.

As an experienced exporter, you may want to read about shipping procedures adjusted to managing LCL cargo transportation from the USA abroad with our online freight calculator in this step-by-step guide on the FAQ web page.


Shipping Instructions with AMID Logistics

The first and absolutely necessary step to begin an international LCL shipment with us is calculating a shipping cost and getting a price quote in our online freight calculator. Then, you can book your shipment online via the quote. You may watch this 3-minute YouTube video about how our online freight calculator works.

Upon your booking and deposit, we will email you our shipping instructions. Typically, it takes about 24 business hours. Sometimes, it may take a little longer. 

Shipping instructions depend on the type of service selected. There are three types of services we offer:

  1. The shipper delivers cargo to an ocean freight carrier's terminal (CFS) for further shipping from the USA overseas directly with an ocean freight carrier.
  2. If your shipping items are far from the nearest CFS, the shipper delivers cargo to a U.S. LTL domestic cargo transportation company warehouse. The load will be line hauled to a CFS for further international shipping.
  3. The shipper requests to pick up packed goods at the cargo location.

Regardless of the type of service selected, our email with shipping instructions will contain the following:

  1. A web link to see (and print, if necessary) our Dock Receipt.
  2. A web link to print shipping labels.
  3. A web link to fill out and submit a Valued Packing List (if a copy of the commercial invoice is unavailable OR shipping household goods or personal belongings).

Our dock receipt provides the essential information for your international shipping:

Ship freight from USA 

Three types of instruction

The shipping instructions will differ depending on the type of service requested in the quote and booking. It is essential to print the proper document, which you will provide at the time of submitting your cargo to international shipping:

An example of LTL BOL

international shipping cost

Print at least two copies of your key document. Give one copy to the person who accepted your cargo to international shipping from the U.S. Ask them to write the number of shipping units you have provided for international transportation. Add any comments, if necessary, and date and sign the document. Keep the document on file. It is proof of your cargo submission for overseas shipping from the U.S.

Upon receipt of the email with our shipping instructions, please reply to the email and confirm the receipt.

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